The Myo gesture control armband allows people to control applications on their desktop computer just by moving their arms, rather than requiring a keyboard and mouse for input. This is the out of box and first run experience for that device.
The packaging is well designed with a simple card insert directing the user to a web URL for setup, instead of using a printed manual.

Setup can only be run on a desktop computer; if the user navigates to the provided website on their phone they are informed that they must install the Myo software on their desktop. When the user navigates to the URL on their desktop, they land on a webpage instructing them to install the Myo Connect Beta application in order to get started. In this case, the installation and setup flow is shown for MacOS.

Myo’s setup wizard is made of two distinct parts, and a blue progress bar is omnipresent throughout both to give the user a sense of how much work is involved.
The first part of setup is a more traditional wizard, in which the new user follows a set of prescribed steps to get the armband connected. This part of the setup wizard provides realtime feedback as steps are completed. For example, green checkmarks are highlighted when the new user plugs in the provided Bluetooth adapter and armband. The screen will then auto-progress to the next step or reveal “Continue” actions as necessary.

Once the device finishes the functional part of setup and is connected via Bluetooth, the wizard moves to its second part. This part is a playthrough experience, in which the user is able to perform a series of realistic, hands-on exercises to learn about the gestural interaction model. The playthrough portion of setup utilizes a combination of video and interactive exercises to teach the concept of gesture control.
The first video shows them how to wear it and then invites them to put it on, while informing her that it will take a few minutes to warm up. Interestingly, this video may also double as a diversion for said warmup period, during which the device is not responsive.

After establishing these foundational elements, the playthrough gradually increases the scope of its interactive gesture guidance. The user is asked to perform a basic set of gestures in a set order. Each gesture is given a dedicated step with a video example. Each step gives realtime feedback in the form of green checkmarks appearing upon successful completion, the armband vibrates, and auto-progression to the next step. At the very end, the videos are removed and the user is invited to practice the gestures in any order they would like.
Subsequently, the playthrough introduces the user to 2 sample applications, a music player and a thermostat, and shows them how to combine basic gestures to perform actions like play, pause, or change the temperature. This gives the user a safe place to practice actions, provides context in the form of sample applications, and gives realtime feedback to reinforce learning.

If, at any point, the user pauses and does not progress, contextual help will appear. This ensures that while users can first try and figure things out on their own, they will get help if they get stuck.

Upon completion of the setup wizard and playthrough, the user is introduced to a market of apps so that they can explore real-life ways to apply the gestures they were just guided through. When opening one of these applications, toasts appear to let the armband user know that Myo gestures are supported. These toasts will only appear the first time an application is opened after setup.

The good bits:
- The user is guided to get the Myo Connect Beta application across multiple surfaces, including on the inside of packaging, and there is support if they try to navigate to the URL on their mobile device.
- Despite being a longer setup wizard with two distinct parts, all steps are linked together in a natural progression without feeling like they’re tacked on and disjoint. The blue progress bar provides continuous signposting across both, which helps with the cohesion.
- Realtime feedback is provided consistently and extremely thoroughly across the flow, ensuring the user knows at any given time if they are doing things correctly and what their next steps are. This feedback is not only provided on the screen in the form of, for example, checkmarks, but is also provided via complementary vibrations on the armband.
- Myo adds a personal touch by auto-filling the armband name during setup based on the computer to which it is connected.
- The playthrough portion of setup is extremely well-designed and uses scaffolding across the instruction, first adding support in the form of practice runs with videos, and then taking away that support to let the user practice and learn without the aid of the videos. Additionally, the responsive feedback and help bubble that presents on a delay provides supportive guardrails.
- There is a clear follow-up after setup is completed, where the user can now segue into the market of apps that supports the armband gestures and start applying what they’ve learned to real-life tasks.
To be improved:
- A user cannot pause or replay some videos shown in the setup wizard. This can make it hard to follow certain instructions without falling behind or going back a step.
- There’s no visual indication in the wizard if the armband’s warm-up period is complete. While the video can serve as a form of distraction, it is possible that the user may be waiting more than the length of the video.